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Opus119 reserves the right to change, revise, or terminate the policies and procedures in response to unforeseen circumstances. In such cases, all changes, revisions, and/or termination will be notified to all students and their parents immediately and effectively upon the release of the notice.



In order to complete the registration procedure, parents and guardians of students enrolled at Opus119 must consent to all parts of this policy and any changes, revisions, and terminations hereafter. By signing the registration form at the time of enrollment and updating online billing information through the Opus119 website, parents and guardians responsible for the billing account give full consent to our school policy and payment. 



Opus119 faculty reserves a special time each week for your lesson. Students must make every effort to be on time for all classes and lessons. All classes and lessons will end at the scheduled time so they will not interfere with subsequent classes and lessons. Students must bring all books, materials, and instruments necessary for the lessons.



All faculties at Opus119 are highly qualified, trained professionals. Any present or former student of Opus119 soliciting or seeking private instruction from Opus119 faculties outside of Opus119 facilities is strictly prohibited.



Opus119 offers weekly private lessons in the duration of 30, 45, 60, and 90 minutes. Students enrolled must commit to a weekly schedule. The exception applies to student who wishes to try out a secondary or third instrument for a short period of time in the program of Expedition 30;  Expedition 30 program consists of 6 sessions of 30-minute weekly lessons scheduled consecutively, and the program fee must be paid in full for all 6 sessions at the time of program enrollment. The Expedition 30 is only offered to current Opus119 students and is offered during the summer semester only.




Once registered, students are on Rolling Enrollment. Rolling Enrollment renews students’ registration automatically after the Spring Semester and onward into the following years with options for customizing the Summer Semester schedule. Opus119 academic calendar year is from the beginning of September through the end of June, consisting of 40 weekly lessons. Annual tuition includes one private instruction per week starting from September through the end of June, less the days/weeks of recess notated on the Opus119 calendar, and is due at the time of registration. Monthly or term payment plans are available. The tuition for the term installment payment plan is due on September 1, December 1, and March 1. Monthly payment plan tuition is due on the 1st of each month during the academic calendar. Students enrolling after the commencement of the academic year will have their tuition prorated based on the time of enrollment on the Opus119 calendar. Students who undergo a permanent schedule change may have tuition prorated based on the school calendar lesson count. Any extra number of the lessons the student will receive through the academic year upon the change of schedule will be charged to the credit card on file.  Acceptable forms of payment include cash, check, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and or debit card. No foreign credit card will be accepted. Student accounts will be set up for auto-recurring transactions (credit card) unless otherwise requested. Contact the admin office for non-credit card remittance. Student accounts not setup for the auto-recurring payment may submit the tuition in monthly/term/annual amount by the forms of payment noted above plus $5 processing fee per transaction. Whether you choose cash or check remittance, a valid credit card is required to set up your account. A $25 late fee will be automatically applied on the 5th of the month for monthly or term installment plan payments if the payment is not received or updated by the end of the 4th day. Submittal of payment or the update of payment information must be completed before the 10th of the month to avoid the loss of lesson time slots.  Students whose tuition remittances are through cash or check are required to provide a valid credit card number at the time of registration. Book charges and other miscellaneous fees, such as evaluation fees, will be processed through the credit card transaction on the day of form submission by assigned faculty regardless of cash/check tuition remittance, and any unpaid balance plus late fees past the 10th of the month will be processed likewise. In order to enroll, student parents/guardians must sign the completed registration forms and submit the $50 Annual Student Registration Fee to secure a time slot. A $25 Additional Sibling Registration Fee will be assessed for each additional student in the family when registered separately during the semester. A $70 Annual Family Registration Fee will be applied when siblings register together simultaneously. Tuition and registration fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. The fee will not be refunded when you decline the lesson schedule the administration office provided based on your availability. The annual registration fee covers the cost of creating and maintaining the account for each enrolled student and the administrative cost for scheduling lessons and meetings, student recitals, and other facility usage. Registration fees must be paid in full prior to the scheduling process.   




arising from various reasons must be conferred with the administration office. Notice for suspension must be given by the 1st of the month prior to the suspended month in order to halt the automatic tuition payment. Notice must be given via email only to the administration office, not the individual teacher.  If the suspension notice is given after the first of the month, the subsequent tuition will be charged and the suspension of the tuition charge will be effective the following month. Canceled lessons arising from suspension are eligible for makeup lessons. Students may complete the eligible makeup lesson sessions prior to the last scheduled lesson date, and/or after the return when the account is unsuspended. To unsuspend the account, students must re-enroll in weekly lessons. Eligible makeup lessons are to be scheduled in addition to the regularly scheduled sessions . Unused eligible makeup sessions by the deadline given by the administration upon return will be considered forfeited. It is the responsibility of the parent to contact the administration office when the student is ready to return. Schedule will be based on updated availability. Please note that suspension for the month of June is considered Early Termination and will be assessed as such. Accounts will be prorated based on the number of lessons received up to the point of suspension for the fairness of billing. Billing accounts cannot not be suspended immediately for the suspension notice; those who wish to suspend the account immediately must follow the procedure of early termination. See Withdrawal section for details. 




Opus119 Summer semester consists of 8 weeks of lessons, starting the 2nd week of July (after summer recess) through August 31. Due to Rolling Enrollment, monthly tuition will be automatically renewed throughout the summer semester unless otherwise notified by the deadline. Students who wish to suspend the summer semester enrollment must notify the administration by May 1. In addition, any prolonged leave during the summer semester in which tuition suspension is desired must follow the procedure for suspension (see Suspension of Account above). Unless notified by the date, the student’s billing account will be automatically billed for Monthly Recurring (billed on the 1st of every month of the Summer Semester) with the schedule from the previous academic year standing on the date/time as is for the entire duration of Summer Semester unless notified otherwise. As these Monthly Recurring lessons are ‘recurring’ for the duration of the session, the lesson schedule will be prioritized in time for the Fall Registration. The term ‘recurring lessons’ denotes lessons that are scheduled on the same day and at the same time every week and that are continuous throughout the duration of the summer semester. Tuition proration applies if a student on a Monthly Recurring plan changes the schedule mid-semester. Cancellation of lessons will follow the same procedure as the academic year policy. All cancellations must be received by 7 PM prior to the date of the canceled lesson in order for it to be eligible for a makeup lesson. All unused summer lessons will be forfeited on August 31. Annual registration fee applies to students who re-enroll during the summer semester from a period of suspension; the fee will cover the following academic year enrollment. Once enrolled in the summer semester, students will be kept on the rolling enrollment for the following academic year unless otherwise notified. The withdrawal policy applies like the academic year as well; early termination fee applies when 30-day (4 lessons) notice is not given. 




Advanced notification of a student’s absence is requested as a courtesy but does not exempt the student from payment as contracted. It is the responsibility of the student or parent to notify the Opus119 office (not the teacher) of any absence before 7 pm prior to the scheduled lesson date in order to qualify the absence for a makeup lesson. Failure to do so will result in the forfeiture of the lesson and will not be eligible for makeup lessons. Cancellation requests can be received through email, online cancellation form, or voicemail. To verify your request to cancel the lesson, you will receive a confirmation email. If a student calls in sick on the lesson day, a courtesy note* (doctor’s note, teacher’s note, or pharmaceutical receipt) with the absent day noted is required for makeup. Makeup lessons are arranged only through the administration office and can be scheduled with any same-tier faculty. It is the parent’s responsibility to initiate the scheduling of makeup lessons.  Makeup lesson schedules are solely based on teachers’ availability, thus may not be scheduled on the student’s most desired date, time, or in some cases, with the primary teacher.  Makeup lessons will NOT be scheduled on a student's regularly scheduled lesson time. All academic year makeup lessons must be completed by June 30, and all summer makeup lessons must be completed by August 31, during the operational hours and date. The Opus119 calendar is available through the website. As the tuition is non-refundable, credit will not be provided for any eligible makeup lessons. No refunds or makeups are given for any missed makeup lessons. In the event that a teacher is absent, Opus119 will provide a highly qualified and experienced substitute who will ensure the proper continuity of the student’s lesson. If a substitute teacher is not available, we will make every effort to contact students to arrange a makeup lesson. Lessons canceled due to the teacher’s unavailability will not be credited either. Opus119 reserves the right to cancel classes, lessons, and events arising from unforeseen circumstances and insufficient enrollment.


*Please note that a screenshot of the doctor's appointment does not fulfill the requirement.  



Enrollment is for one calendar year. An early termination fee of $200 will be charged if students discontinue prior to the end of the school year if a 30-day notice (4 lessons) is not given. Withdrawal on secondary instruments will require a 30-day (4 lessons) notice. Students leaving early in the month of June, prior to the end of the academic year, will also have to go through the same procedure as early termination. The account will be prorated based on the termination date with an applicable electronic transaction fee for refund, if any. The exit interview form must be signed and submitted to the office prior to terminating lessons and suspending further automatic charges. Opus119 is entitled to charge any remaining balance based on Opus119 academic calendar proration based on the last lesson date. Any remaining balance on withdrawing a student's account, such as books and evaluation fees, will be charged to a credit card on file if not paid in full at the time of withdrawal. Any outstanding balance that cannot be resolved through the procedure may be sent to the collections agency. Withdrawals will not be accepted over the phone, and individual teachers do not process withdrawal requests. Any remaining eligible makeup lessons will be forfeited after the last scheduled lesson date; makeup lessons cannot be scheduled after the official last day of the lesson. Unused sessions are not transferable between instruments or siblings. 



All costs incurred from purchases of books and from other miscellaneous fees assessed will be automatically charged to the credit card on file. Each student parent must consent to keep a valid credit card on file for this purpose at the time of registration.   




The school is granted permission to take photographs, audio recordings, and video recordings of students to use in brochures, websites, posters, advertisements, and other promotional materials the school creates.  Permission is also granted for the school to copyright such photographs. Recordings during lessons are not permitted on public media sites or shared among peers but are for student-practicing purposes only.



Students are encouraged to bring devices to record portions of lessons to aid practice sessions at home. The lesson recordings are for practice purposes only; social media uploading is strictly prohibited as it violates faculty privacy.   



Students and parents are responsible for (1) respecting the teaching and performance premises (2) returning each classroom and venue to the condition in which they were found. Students found to be defacing Opus119 property in any manner will be assessed a minimum fine of $250.00. Opus 119 is not responsible for the loss of, or damage to personal property. Students and parents are advised not to leave items unattended, including musical instruments, books, music and supplies.


Each teacher’s teaching studio may differ and be assigned to various rooms throughout the facility periodically.  All pianos at the facility are professionally maintained.



Parents and their legal representatives agree that they are fully responsible for the supervision, safety, and action of their children and agree to indemnify, defend, and hold Opus119 and its parties harmless from and against any damages that may be incurred or sustained by Opus119 arising from or related to any injuries to the student, or the students’ acts or omissions (except damages caused solely by the gross negligence or intentional misconduct of Opus119).

Young children not receiving instruction must remain under the supervision of their caregiver at all times while at Opus119. Under no circumstances will school be used as playrooms for unattended children. Students are required to wait in the waiting lounge for a ride home from the lesson. Students must be picked up within the institution's business hours. Supervision required after operational hours by Opus119 staff and/or faculty denotes extended hours on such personnel. Multiple infractions may result in dismissal from the program. 


The policies and regulations of Opus119 have been established to ensure study consistency. Opus119 reserves the right to dismiss any student for the following reasons:

  • Lack of interest or progress

  • Frequent absences (including more than three consecutive missed lessons)

  • Frequent tardiness

  • Unreasonable behavioral problems in students/parents, such as disrespect toward Opus119 faculty and staff.

  • Failure to abide by School policies

  • Delinquency in payment of fees​

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